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December 15th, 2013

Jay Frosting

After Ashley sent a second letter to her parents about using her correct name, she realized that they would probably just fall back to calling her Snooks all the time, a childhood nickname. She decided that if her they called her Snooks the next time they called, she’d ask them to call her by her name – and if they didn’t, she would end the call. That’s what happened.

Ashley thought they would call again sometime but avoid names entirely. And when that happened, Ashley mentioned to them that it wasn’t okay to do that either – and then ended the call. Other than calling her dad for his birthday, Ashley didn’t talk to her parents at all over the next several months.

Thanksgiving was approaching, and she started to worry that staying with her parents might end up being a four-day stretch of being called anything but her name. She thought she could handle that behavior for one meal, but made plans to stay with other (more supportive) nearby relatives for the rest of the time.

She told her parents about her tentative plans to stay somewhere else, but included the offer to stay with them if they’d call her by her name.

Ashley’s parents replied a few days later and astounded Ashley by starting their email with, “Hi Ashley”! And while the rest of their email seemed to backtrack a little from their enthusiastic opening, Ashley wondered whether this might hint at some movement on their end.

There’s more to the story, but it’d better to hear Ashley tell it.

We also recommend a make-up foundation, Make Up For Ever HD and CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion.

(Ashley’s nail polish in this episode is Deutsche You Want Me Baby from OPI. We aren’t being paid to say this — just thought maybe you’d like to know.)


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  1. December 16, 2013

    Yaaaaay! So much great progress in your news this time. (I mean, I knew some of it from Twitter, but it’s always nice to hear the full story.)

    Happy winter festival time!

  2. December 16, 2013

    p.s. Yes, good call on listing the nail polish in the description above—it’s gorgeous!

  3. Michelle #
    December 21, 2013

    This is amazing news Ashley… so happy for you! I hope your parents can see how happy this has made you… we certainly can! Hope the upcoming holiday is successful for you as well.

    I am also a long time devotee of the Makeup Forever HD coverage… it is awesome :)

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